The Southern Arizona chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals has been sunset with all members moving to the Arizona Chapter. Your student section will also now be under the Arizona chapter. Per bylaws any amendments made will be posted for 15 days and then voted on by the student section membership. Below is the Motion, an e-vote will be sent on June 17.
Student Section Bylaws Amendment Motion
Motion: Student Section Name Change
Move to change ASSP University of Arizona Student Section of the Southern Arizona Chapter Bylaws Article 1, Name and the Articles of Incorporation from:
“Sec. 1: The name of this Section shall be the University of Arizona Student Section of the Southern Arizona Chapter, American Society of Safety Professionals.
“Sec. 1: The name of this organization shall be the University of Arizona Student Section of the Arizona Chapter the American Society of Safety Professionals.”
Note: All subsequent references to the name of the organization within the bylaws document will be updated to reflect the new name of the organization.