The ASSP Arizona Chapter utilizes a process for matching ASSP members (current students, recently graduated student, and new professionals) to more seasoned professional members for career advice.
What is Mentoring?
Mentoring is a systematic process that connects two people together for the purpose of assisting the mentee (the person being mentored) with a mentor individual. The mentor will be available to listen, discuss and offer advice to the mentee for professional development, in this case within our safety profession.
Who Needs a Mentor?
Anyone! That is, anyone interested in advancing their career. AZ ASSP Chapter focuses on all members and is particularly motivated to match new safety, health and environmental (SH&E) professionals with experienced SH&E professionals. So if you can answer yes to any of the questions below, we can help you.
- Are you changing careers?
- Are you working toward any professional certification?
- Are you in school or a new college graduate?
- Are you looking to expand your knowledge and experience?
What are the benefits of mentoring?
Many of you found your way into the profession more or less by accident rather than because you chose this business on purpose. You may have been tapped because your employer believed you would be an asset in the prevention of work accidents and injuries. Or maybe you were “voluntold” by your employer to take on the job without asking if you had a desire to do it. Perhaps you floundered around professionally before discovering the safety profession and now find it’s really where you want to be.
If you’ve decided that the safety profession is the career you enjoy and would like to assist others who may be looking for help in being successful, the Arizona Chapter mentoring program needs your help. We’re hoping to connect our successful professionals with those who would welcome assistance. Your time commitment may vary from one or two contacts with a mentee, to long-term relationships with someone who really needs your help. You’ll have complete control over how much involvement you agree to take on. So please take action by signing up today.
Many currently employed safety professionals found their way into the profession more or less by accident rather than because they chose this business on purpose. Some have been tapped because their employer believed that the person would be an asset to their company to assist in the prevention of work accidents and injuries. Others were “volun-told” by their employer to take on the job without asking if there was a desire to do it.
So, if you are:
- Looking to advance in your organization,
- Thinking about changing industries,
- Wanting to rebrand yourself, or
- Starting your career in the Occupational Safety and Health profession
Mentoring might be for you. Please take action by signing up for a mentor today.
How does it work?
- Think about your goals. What do you want out of this relationship?
- Talk to other people in your profession to get some ideas from them.
- ASSP Arizona Chapter Mentors or program administrator will examine your application and will contact you via email with 30 days.
- When matched, the mentor and mentee will complete a confidential agreement outlining the term of their mentee/mentor relationship.
- The rest is up to you.
Whether you are looking for a formal or informal mentoring relationship, AZ ASSP helps connect you to vast community of great people who can help you better navigate the safety profession and solidify your career path while forming lifelong friendships that can help you grow personally and professionally.
Formal Mentoring – Monthly commitment from mentor and mentee for 6-month period (1-hour/month)
Fall 2021 – July 1 / Feb 1 – (Accepting applicants Feb. 1, 2021– Deadline May 12, 2021)
Spring 2021– Begins Feb 1/ July 1 (Accepting applicants – Deadline November 13, 2020)
- You must be an member of ASSP to participate in this program
o We hold all information exchanged between matched pairs for mentoring in strict confidence; applications are viewed only by the matching committee
o Mentors and mentees should commit to at least one hour per month for communication with goal setting within the first two months of the program. Any questions or concerns during the program should be communicated to Mentoring Administrator, (mentor@az.assp.org)
o Pairs will be matched for six months with an option to extend if both parties agree
o Mentors are not expected to provide employment or business opportunities for mentees —just life lessons, advice, coaching and mentoring
- On line application: (Request a Mentor Application)
- Volunteer to be a mentor: (Mentor Volunteer Application)
Informal Mentoring
Ongoing – No long-term commitment and is usually completed in one or two interactions. Examples would be: Certification prep advice, information about working in a specific industry, academic questions, technical questions or advice, etc.