AZASSP April Technical Meeting
April 4, 2025
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Technical Meeting Details: The ADOSH Heat Illness Prevention Rulemaking Update. In this technical meeting, Amber Pappas, Co-Chair of the ADOSH Heat Alliance Committee, will present attendees with critical updates on ADOSH’s proposed rule for heat illness prevention. Ms. Pappas will provide an overview of the rulemaking process, share the latest status and anticipated timelines, and outline recommended proactive measures for employers to begin implementing in preparation for the forthcoming rule.
Guest Speaker: Amber Pappas CIT, CSP, ASP
Bio and Current Role: Amber Pappas is a Certified Safety Professional and Workplace Safety and
Health Consultant who has worked in the industry for over 20 years. She is the Co-Founder and
President of Safety Help Today specializing in workplace safety and health compliance. She is a
trainer for the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Arizona Chapter National Safety Council,
Arizona State University, and 3M. She serves as a board member on the OSHA Advisory Committee
representing the needs of Arizona employees and employers and uses her extensive background
and expertise to assist employers with OSHA compliance and investigations.
Venue: University Club of Phoenix
Venue Website: https://www.universityclubphoenix.com/content.aspx?page_id=4&club_id=305485