March 14, 2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Keynote Speakers:
- Morning: Lawrence D. Sloan, CAE, Chief Executive Officer American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and Melissa Schmaltz, CSP, ASSP Region II: Area A Director. Topic: Melissa and Larry will address how each association is addressing emerging trends spanning a range of technical and business drivers. They will discuss the current mutual understanding between AIHA and ASSP and perspectives on enhanced collaboration that works toward increasing recognition of the value of occupational health and safety professions. Click here to learn more!
- Afternoon: Joel Navarro, Tempe City Councilmember and Phoenix Fire Department Battalion Chief, Topic: The Opioid Epidemic, Challenges and Solutions. Click here to learn more!
Sponsor and Exhibitor registration can be found on this webpage..
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
ABIH CEUs will be available for this event (6 contact hours).
ASSE will be awarding 0.6 CEUs for those attending the conference which can be used for BCSP re-certification points.
Volunteers Needed: Please view our sign-up sheet or register on our SignUpGenius page if you can help us make this event a roaring success. Contact the ASSP Volunteer Coordinator Brandon Wiseman – bwiseman@swirecc.com or 480-695-1173
Parking – Primary parking is located in both the Arizona State University Apache Blvd. Parking Structure and the Rural Rd Parking Structure. The difference in walking time between parking structures to the Memorial Union is only 3 minutes. Parking fees are included in your registration fee and a validated parking pass will be issued to you at the event registration table. Please see the map for the event and parking locations. The event and parking locations are circled for reference.
Venue: ASU Memorial Union