FY25 AZASSP Board Meeting-09

  • FY25 AZASSP Board Meeting-09
     April 25, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join us for the monthly board meeting of the Arizona Chapter of ASSP. The purpose of this meeting is for chapter board members and committee members to provide updates about their activities for the chapter and discuss other chapter business. This meeting is open to any and all members of the chapter.

Your registration approval email will include a Zoom link to attend the virtual meeting. Please check your spam filters if you do not receive the registration approval email within a couple of minutes, but be patient it does take a couple of minutes to send the approved registration email.

You can always contact webmaster@az.assp.org if you have any issues.

Tickets Price Qty
Free Ticketshow details + $0.00 USD